Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thursday, January 4, 2024

OF WORLD PEACE OF WORLD PEACE It is heartening to note, That the Indian PM's name, Hath been recommended, For establishing World Peace ! "My chariots shall not be bloody, Till the earth records my name", Said the conscientious Buddha, As he renounced War. Milton averred " Peace hath her victories, No less renouned than War " ! Man's essential nature is Peace, War is only an abnormality ! How can a Nation which declares Peace, Aum Shanti, Shanti, advocate War ? From the ethical, moral angle, Peace gets Fame, and War notoriety ! Love cognised is Truth Love in action is Non VIolence Love as pure Being is Wisdom Love as Feeling is Peace. Yet, many believe that war is a necessity biologic, An outlet for the human desire to compete and excel ! Conquest by force is only half victory, True victory is conquest by Love ! Harmony has to be established, And perfection worked out. We have to effectuate the Divine, In a conflicting and contradicting world ! We have been instructed, To rise from Non Being to Being, Asado Ma Sad Gamaya, And to rise from Darkness to Light. In other words, From the Negative to the Positive. But we have a big problem here, As we are confronted by qualities negative ! We have seen Death, But not Immortality ! Mrutyor Ma Amritam Gamaya, Appears to be difficult ! Death, Non Being, Ignorance, Darkness, adversity, disease, All these we have seen, But never experienced the Positive ! Qualties Negative, Are merely the first terms of the Formula, Unintellible to us, Till we work out its esoteric terms ! These qualities negative, Are merely initial discords Of the Musician's symphony, Didnt He create a world miserable ? That too deliberately flawing perfection, Of His Own Creation ? The discords of the world are Lord's discords, To unfold the Godhead within us? The tormenting Evil is He, As well as the Redeeming Grace ! Oru Kai Praharikkave Maru Kai kondu thalodum Easwaran ! Only when we have an integral vision, Can we see beyond all masks, The serene and lovely face, Of the All Blissful Godhead ! His tests test our imperfection, True friemd is He and Heart, the Teacher ! Mind is the greatest Guru, And world, the true Book ! Let us be what the Seer Poets recommended, What Lord Krishna recommended to Arjuna, Realised souls viewing Becoming, Under the metaphor of Being ! Let us rise from Death to Self Realisation, From the Darkness of Nescience to Light Supernal, From the mirage of Non Being to True Being, Thus fulfilling that eternal Prayer Asato Ma Sadgamaya ! Did not Bhagavan Aurobindo, Say that Strive and thou shalt have ? Trust and thy trust shall be justified ? That the Divine Crown is within our reach ? That we have to overcome the Negative, And reach the Positive ! And Implement Positivity, Then only shall the world be redeemed ! The Kingdom of Heaven, Is both worldly and transworldly To implement this Rama Rajya, India, US and Russia exist !

Sunday, March 25, 2018

The Sun's longitude is 340 degrees today, 25 03 18, which means Kerala is experiencing the hot, summer season. Temperature has gone upto 34 - 36 degrees. We have the hot months of Meena & Mesha before us. Acute potable water problem in many villages have been reported, due to poor water management. Kerala is in for big trouble, before Edava Pathi dawns on 29th May, when Sun's longitude becomes 45 degrees !

If you know your Moon you can know what the divine forces of Destiny have in store for you.

Meda Kooru, Mesha, Aries ( Aswini, Bharani, Karthika 1/4 )

Edava Kooru, Vrishabha, Taurus ( Karthika 3/4, Rohini, Mrigasira 1/2 )

Mithuna Kooru, Mithuna, Gemini ( Mrigasira 1/2, Aridra, Punarvasu 3/4 )

Karkitadaka Kooru, Kataka, Cancer ( Punarvasu 1/4, Pushya, Aslesha )

Chinga Kooru, Simha, Leo ( Magha, Pubba, Uttara 1/4 )
Kanni Kooru, Kanni, Virgo ( Uttara 3/4, Hasta, Chitra 1/2 )

Thula Kooru, Thula, Libra ( Chitra 1/2, Swathi, Vishakha 3/4 )

Vrischika Kooru, Scorpio ( Vishakha 1/4, Anuradha, Jyeshta )

Dhanu Kooru, Sagittarius ( Moola, Poorvashada, Uttarashada 1/4 )

Makara Kooru, Capricorn ( Uthrashada 3/4, Sravana, Dhanishta 1/2 )

Kumbha Kooru, Aquarius ( Dhanishta 1/2, Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra 3/4 )

Meena Kooru, Pisces ( Poorvabhadra 1/4, Uttarabhadra, Revathi )

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Lovely Song about Katakali

Actors are the two legends of Kerala Cinema, Prem Nazeer and Sree Vidya.

Manipravala Thalakal Unarnoo
Manassil kamala dalangal vithirnoo
Kavya Kalayude kanakamgulikalil
Kathakali Mudrakal Vidarnoo !

Manipravala ......................

Verses equalling Ruby ( Mani ) and Coral ( Pravala )
And lotus blossomed in Mind !
From the great Art of Poetry
Rose the Mudras of the King of all Arts ( Kathakali )

Sharat kala megham Thirasselayayi
Sasiklaa Kali vilakkayee
Onnayi Varriyarum
Irayimman Thapiyum
Varna narayangal minukkee

The clouds of Sharath
Became curtain for the play
Moon became the Lamp
Both Variar and Thampi became one
Giving finishing touches to costumes !

Pampayum Periyarum
Bharata puzhayum
Aa padangal paadi
Chaitra marangal aadee !
Chendayil thengilayil
Elathalangil Syamantakangal kilingee

The rivers of Kerala
Bharata puzha, Pampa and Periyar
Sang those beautiful verses
And the trees of Chaitra danced !

Manipravala .....................

Damayantiyayi Droupadiyayi
Kairali Rathiyay Sathiyay
Rambhayay Radhayay
Raasa Natanam Aadi !

As Damayanti, Droupadi
And as Devayani
Magnificent Kerala rose
As Rathi, as Sathi
As Rambha and Radha
She danced the Blissful Dance !

Ratnakireedavumayi Thiranottam Nadathi
Rasa Chakravarthiyam Sringaram..

Manipravala .......................


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How correct is the Kerala Calendar ! Edava Pathy, South West Monsoon starts !

Edava Pathy, South West Monsoon struck Kerala at about 0730 PM. Heavy rains and winds lashed Guruvayur at that time.

The Sun entered the 14th degree of Sidereal Taurus yesterday. And it rained at night, showing the accuracy of the Kerala Calendar.

As I had lost my modem due to lightning last week, I put if off and left office at that time. Last week I lost 2 K, as lightning devastated my modem. 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chatayam Njattuvela !

In Kerala, the hot season has begun. The sidereal month of Aquarius or Kumbha started on 13th Feb and Kerala is about to reel under a heat wave. Last year the death from sunstrokes was > 100 !

On 19th, Chathayam or Sathabhisha Njattuvela started and so we are ready for a hot phase. Kumbha Choodu and Meena Choodu are famous, as the earth becomes scorched due to lack of rains.

Some summer rains can come, but they cannot sustain ! Till Edava Pathi or the Half of Taurus, we cannot expect major rains ! So a very hot season indicated till Vrishabha or Taurus !

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aridra Njattuvela also devastates !

The Dance of Destruction of the SW Monsoon continues. It is raining cats and dogs here in Guruvayur.

Chalakudy River is overflowing 

Fishermen are warned not to venture into the sea and Trawling is banned. Now the Sun is transiting Aridra and this is known as Thiruvathira Njattuvela in Kerala. 10 days, 10 nights, meaning that there will be sufficient rains with sunny interludes. The Dance of Destruction done by the Head of Orion, Mriga Sira, the samhara thandava of Mriga Sira is gone, replaced  by the still fierce Aridra or Roudra Njattuvela. Njayar means Sun and Velas are  periods, meaning that they are the periods of the Sun. 

On 5 Jul, the Punarvasu Njattuvela will begin and on 19th, the Pushya Njattuvela. 

Have you heard of Tibetan and Zen Singing Bowls ?  Nepal and Tibet are characterised by such magnificent  handicraft masterpieces.  The Himalayan Expanse, famous as the "Root of the World", is home to  Mysticism Divine  and to instruments of Meditation and Relaxation ! We at 3rd  provide some of the finest handicrafts from the Roof Top of the World. Known to have  profound religious significance for both Hinduism and Buddhism, these places are considered sacred by many.  We feature many fair trade items from Asia including Malas, Clear Quartz Singing Bowls, Tibetan Prayer Flags, Tibetan Herbal Incense, Ceramic Singing Bowls, Tingsha Meditation Chimes, Gongs, Bells and Dorjes, Natural Handmade Soap, Mala Prayer Beads,Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Spouting Bowls, Hand Carved Wood Masks, Himalayan Singing Bowls,  Tibetan Singing Bowls, Yoga and Meditation Supplies, Himalayan Salt Lamps, Brass and Bronze Statues, Japanese Singing Bowls and many other unique handicrafts at wholesale prices.